Live performances event
This page is intended for operators wishing to organize a live performances event in their own country. Operators (it can be universities, organizations, schools etc.) should communicate with us and we will guide them on how to conduct it.
Below you will see the general context and the regulations of such an event.
Participating in a Live Performances Event
The duration of the events is 2 days each. The exact time will be set according to the number of the participating schools as well as the duration of the plays. The performances will be open to the public to watch. Students and educators must arrive to the venue at the time indicated to them by the organizers. Every school can watch all the performances of the events, both days. Also, the video performances of the schools that participated in the video contest will be viewed.
The events: Preparation
In the school year 2018-2019, for the optimal running of the activity final events should be realized in April 2019
1 month before the final event it will be asked by every participating school to declare their equipment (eg. Video projection, musical instruments, microphones etc) that they will use for performing their play as well as the sceneries they will use (what kind of, how many). Also the specifications of each venue (size of stage, visual and sound equipment etc) will be announced here.
Rehearsals: For the schools that want to rehearse there is the option of having rehearsals at the venue of the final event.
During April and after contacting all responsible educators, the program of the events as well as the rehearsals will be announced. In order for these to be finalized, 2 months before the final events the schools will be informed about the hours of running them (eg Saturday 11.00-17.00, Sunday 12.00-16.00) and asked to register if any difficulties occur in their participation at the time and day of their performance so that arrangements will be made. The final program will be concluded after reviewing the above.
From there on, no further changes will be made.
All the participants must be informed that all the theatrical plays (live or video recorded) will be uploaded on the internet. So it is of high importance that the consent of the parents will be provided for the participating students. In case that the educators have not gathered the relevant parents’ consent, the organizers bring no responsibility.
- The theme of the performance should come from a field of science
- The duration of each performance must strictly not exceed 20 minutes. The schools will have to adapt their performance to this timeframe, or else their play can be presented in the final event but out of competition.
- The activity’s target groups are students aged 12-16 (first grade of middle school – second grade of high school), and primary school students aged 9-12
- There is no restriction as to how many students can participate from every school
- Cooperation between schools (of the same grade) is allowed. They can participate with a common theatrical performance
- Responsible for the activity must be at least one educator though even more should be encouraged to help, especially from fields like Physics, Biology, Philology, Arts, Computer science etc.
- In case a school uses audiovisual material from the internet, the participants should check its license
Awards – Excellences
- Best performance in total
- Best scenario
- Best direction
- Best music
- Best sceneries and costumes
- Best choreography
- Dissemination and promotion
- Best participation in the activity
It should be noted that in awards level, each category is independent from the other.
Awards criteria
- Best performance in total
This award will be given to the school that will gather the highest score in the categories: script, direction, music, sceneries and costumes, choreography.
- Best script
The criteria that define the winner of this award are the evaluation of the original script or the adaption od an already existing one and the correlation to the scientific concepts.
- Best direction
- Best music
For this award the originality of student composition, selectivity, ingenuity & correlation with script, association with scientific concepts and live performance are considered.
- Best sceneries and costumes
Here is evaluated the creativity and the correlation to the script and the scientific concepts of it.
- Best choreography
This prize is awarded following an evaluation of the performance of choreography, its association with the script and the scientific concepts.
- Dissemination and promotion
This award is given on the basis of an evaluation of a set of actions to disseminate and promote the activity, such as the creation of promotional material (poster), the use of social media to promote the performance (creation of a special facebook page and number of “likes”), finding supporters from the local community as well as any other promotional action. All this should be submitted in a special form that will be sent by the organizers.
- Best participation in the activity
This prize is awarded to the school that will collect the highest rating from the sum of the categories: script, direction, music, sceneries and costumes, choreography, dissemination and promotion.
Evaluation in Live Performances Event
The jury will consist of organizers’ experts and the evaluation is divided into 3 parts:
- Primary School Evaluation
- Middle School Evaluation
- High School Evaluation